Singapore Blockchain Association

Art Exchange Sg
2 min readMar 29, 2022

Really needs to up its game…

Event I attended

Everyone in the Singapore tech scene has heard of the Singapore Blockchain Association (SGA)by now. I had not interacted with SGA until last weekend, when I attended “Cryptocurrencies and NFTS: Risks or Rewards?” — an event hosted by National Library Board.

I had high hopes for the event, given that it sounded as if hosted by a legit agency with authoritative voices in the blockchain industry. There were 4 “industry experts” on the panel, one in legal, one in blockchain tech, one in finance compliances, and one in web 3.0 consultancy.

As soon as the event started, and the “experts” began their introduction, I regretted attending the event. These supposed industry experts had no voice of their own, and each regurgitated things you could had read by the most basic Googling on web 3.0.

The compliance person offered no foresight into cryptocurrency or digital asset regulation.

The attorney offered no regulatory or risk view of crypto.

The blockchain tech person couldn’t explain layer 1 vs. layer 2.

The consultant was the biggest joke, as she only knew how to launch NFTs from an operational perspective, and has no real insights into the industry problems.

For most of the event, the 4 “experts” talked about NFTs, which is only a very small subset of crypto products, and I get the feeling that they knew very little about DAO’s or [lack of] Metaverse.

The lady who sat next to me was from a large crypto financial services company. So I asked her what she thought of the event, and she shook her head and basically said these people only know the very basic stuff — and yep, I agree.

As with most crypto events, I was deeply disappointed. The good thing with this physical event was, I was able to make friends with the girl who sat next to me and we are going to happy hour tomorrow.

I’m still waiting for a good crypto event to happen, in Singapore Time.



Art Exchange Sg

Art X NFT || the good, the bad, and the ugly of Singapore NFT projects